Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Forms of Media Publishing

There are many issues that are being placed with media publishing. Some exxamples, of course, includes the advertising network. It seems that company has realised that by using media publishing, it can give a better form of advertising to the audiences or consumers (Munz 2009). Sletten (2010) states that media publishing will go beyond the simple applications that YouTube videos now offer.

A fine example of a media publishing is Syncrospace, as shown below, is a company and website that enables the users to post various digital media and is easy for non-technical people to get used to (Sletten 2010).


The famous Wee Meng Chee a.k.a. Namewee, is one of the biggest issue to have landed on Malaysian soil. Recently, Namewee has uploaded another video based on the current happening in a school in Johore where the headmistress has shown racism (Mokhtar 2010).

It is not surprising as an anti-racist person, Namewee came up with another song to send a message to Siti Insah, the headmistress that told her chinese students to "go back to China".


Mokhtar (2010) further stresses that Namewee was doing a good job in successfully uniting the younger generations againts racism, a fact that most of the community has failed to realise. It is a known fact that rapping is one of the most effective ways to communicate with the younger generations (Mokhtar 2010).

In Namewee's defence, Mokhtar (2010) suggests that it would have been wiser if the goverment took action a lot sooner than they had. This was the reason that prompt Namewee to have done his clip and that it justifies what has happened to this country in terms of racism (Mokhtar 2010).


Mokhtar, M. (2010), "Namewee is a uniting factor", [Online], 3 September 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]

Munz, J. (2009), "10 Emereging Trends for Online Advertising and Content Marketing for 2010", 24 December 2009, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]

Sletten, B. (2010), "Will the next revolution be democratization of online media publishing?", [Online], 13 August 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]

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