Monday, November 15, 2010
Some of the issues that I have covered in this blog proves just how dangerous blogging can be as there are some form of regulations that needs to be followed. Examples such as Namewee and Aduka Taruna, which was on my previous posting just shows how dangerous it is to post unethical items on blogs.
Being sensitive to surroundings, culture and also environment around you, is a basic principal that a person, as a responsible individual, should obtain in themselves. Applying this basic knowledge to the blogging world is also important as well. However, in the blogging community, it is wise to take extra percaution on the things posted compared to real life, as more than just the environment that you live in are taken into account because blogs can be read worldwide.
Section 2: Blogging Regulations
Shadiqe (2010) also reports that the issue is not solved yet as further investigation is being held as this was a serious matter. Aduka Taruna has gone into hiding as there were death threats on his life based on the insulting comments that he made.
In my opinion, Aduka Taruna was wrong in what he did. Making insulting comments and mockery on the dead or how the dead was announced is nothing to be proud about. However, certain actions do not make sense to me at all. Death threats being made is considered very uncivilised on the public's part. Commenting on Aduka's blog on reporting to the authorities about his mockery on such a matter is considered the normal thing anyone would do, but making threats on another person's life? This somehow seems a little out of context, in my opinion. Malaysia is considered a somewhat democratic country and still most of the people in Malaysia are acting as though they have the right to do anything they want without any consequences.
Aside from that, there is a context in the constitution in Malaysia which allows freedom of speech to a certain extend (Bashir 2009). Although Aduka's comments were considered to be not within the boundries of such a constitution, acting this "civilised" proves that the Malaysian public are still too narrow minded on public issues. It is a fact that most Malaysians are narrow minded on issues, and this will not change unless these Malaysians learn that with time, things evolve and nothing can stay the same forever, especially the way an individual thinks.
Bashir, N. (2009), "Free speech in Malaysia: Speakers concerned", 31 July 2009, [Online], Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Shadiqe, J. (2010), "Blogger held over insulting posting", 26 January 2010, [Online], Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Section 2: Movie Reviews
Mendoza (2009) explains the importance of having reviews and comments from the public, be they positive or negative comments. Apart from just stating the importance of having the public interested in a movie, Mendoza (2009) also explains that by using downloadable applications in conjunction to a movie blockbuster, this can help entice consumers all around the world.
Also, by producing such a downloadable application that is related to a movie, this can help in enhancing the positive comments made about said movie. By doing this, it can help movie enthusiasts by deciding which movies to spend time on in the month. By taking consideration the overall total of movies produced per month, it is hard for most consumers to decide which movies to watch.
In my opinion, movie reviews are so important that movie industries are doing anything and everything they can in order to attract attention of the public. In order to do so, movie companies are producing all these tactics to grab attention of the consumers. Movie industries turn to facebook because it is one of the biggest social network on the internet. Producing a promotional web movie is one of the easiest way to obtain the attention of the public and that is what most movie industries are doing nowadays (Siegchrist n.d.). Below shows a prime example of a movie promotional game in conjunction to the movie.
5min Life Videopedia, Transformers iPhone App Review, digital image, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Mendoza, N. (2009), "Movie Apps get social as studios integrate facebook connect", 9 September 2009, [Online], Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Siegchrist, G. (n.d.), "How to produce a promotional web video", [Online], Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Section 1: Facebook
Since there are over 500 million users worldwide, it is only logical that there are bound to have some technical issues in the application. ABC News (2010) explains that some applications within facebook gives out identities and information to companies and gives them the means to track down these identities for personal information. It is said that Facebook is currently looking into the matter and having discussions with their partner applications in order to resolve the matter (New York Times 2010).
In my opinion, these privacy issues are to be expected in such a widely used application on the internet. Although Facebook has its privacy policies and steps to deal with the matter, it is almost impossible for a social website to constraint the information that is being laid out in the application itself. As a social website, a number of personal information is expected to be shown in order to prove a certain identity and so on. Personal information that is too private and important should not be shown or placed in facebook.
In addition to privacy issues, Kirkpatrick (2010) explains clearly on individuals and the obvious "privacy" policy that one can expect from a social network like Facebook. It is obvious that by joining such a network on the internet that private information are to be shared with the entire world. Having said that, such a small matter of third parties obtaining information on an individual is considered nothing as third parties will only have access to information that the individuals provide on Facebook which is already there for the entire world to see.
Focusing on just the issue at hand, Helft (2010) assures users of facebook that whatever that needs to be done to handle the personal information crisis is being done. Helft (2010) adds that other than just personal information, third parties are able to obtain information about an individual's friend as well. Applications on Facebook such as Mafia Wars, Farmville and so on, are the cause of leaking out information to third parties.
ABC News (2010), "Facebook admits privacy breach", 19 October 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Helft, M. (2010), "Facebook acknowledges privacy issue with applications", 18 October 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Kirkpatrick, M. (2010), "Why facebook is wrong: privacy is still important", 11 January 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Section 1: The popularity of E-Books
Apart from just stating the turn of a digital age in the book industry, Cornwall (2010) also claims that the majority of expected sales of eBooks will be dominated by the all middle-aged women, as they are the "readers" of books.
The reason why eBooks will be such a bigger hit than normal books in the future, most probably rely on the fact that eBooks will offer many other features that the internet offers. Apart from its main function which is to download books online for the reader's pleasure of reading, going online with an eBook is somewhat a replacement from going online with a laptop. An eBook will appear less bulky compared to laptops as well.
Finding reading materials will be a lot different and refreshing compared to spending time in a library or book shop for the perfect book (Johnson 2009). Functions from the eBook appears limitless as it has access to internet and tons of downloads of reading materials appears to be more enjoyable by readers as the convinience of having a new reading material is at their fingertips (Cornwall 2010).
Possessing an eBook definitely seems a lot more pleasurable compared to the normal buying a book from a bookstore or borrowing a book from a library. Having said that, the convenience of having an eBook and downloading any related reading materials that is needed by an individual can be less of a hassle than going out to find one. Having both convenience and a wide variety of features, eBooks has definitely won the battle of attractiveness compared to the normal books.
As a conclusion, eBooks will definitely survive as it serves the users a lot more compared to normal books. Leibs (2008), explains how easy it is for eBook users to obtain reading materials by introducing a shop that sells reading materials in formats such as audio, braille, e-text and large prints which are compatible for eBooks.
Cornwall, D. (2010), "E-books popularity on the rise", [Online], 18 March 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Johnson, S. (2009), "How the E-Book will change the way we read and write", 20 April 2009, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Leibs, A. (2008), "Read how you want", 30 December 2008, Available from -, [Accessed on - 15 November 2010].
Sunday, October 3, 2010
New Forms of Media Publishing
A fine example of a media publishing is Syncrospace, as shown below, is a company and website that enables the users to post various digital media and is easy for non-technical people to get used to (Sletten 2010).
The famous Wee Meng Chee a.k.a. Namewee, is one of the biggest issue to have landed on Malaysian soil. Recently, Namewee has uploaded another video based on the current happening in a school in Johore where the headmistress has shown racism (Mokhtar 2010).
It is not surprising as an anti-racist person, Namewee came up with another song to send a message to Siti Insah, the headmistress that told her chinese students to "go back to China".
Mokhtar (2010) further stresses that Namewee was doing a good job in successfully uniting the younger generations againts racism, a fact that most of the community has failed to realise. It is a known fact that rapping is one of the most effective ways to communicate with the younger generations (Mokhtar 2010).
In Namewee's defence, Mokhtar (2010) suggests that it would have been wiser if the goverment took action a lot sooner than they had. This was the reason that prompt Namewee to have done his clip and that it justifies what has happened to this country in terms of racism (Mokhtar 2010).
Mokhtar, M. (2010), "Namewee is a uniting factor", [Online], 3 September 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]
Munz, J. (2009), "10 Emereging Trends for Online Advertising and Content Marketing for 2010", 24 December 2009, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]
Sletten, B. (2010), "Will the next revolution be democratization of online media publishing?", [Online], 13 August 2010, Available from -, [Accessed on: 3rd October 2010]
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Blogging Communities
Blog Classification
Moving on to devices, there are not as many devices for blogging with current technology. So far, there are two frequently used devices to blog which is the computer and mobile phone(Moblog). Moblog are used by bloggers who rather rely on their mobile phone to do the blogging (Williams 2007). These blogs are normally used for photoblogs. One example of a moblog is as shown below.
There are plenty ways of blogging. Some of the type of blogging is sketchlog, vlog, linklog and so on. These different types of blogging styles are usually just a combination of what a blog represents. Most blogs nowadays have all these styles imbedded into a blog. One example of a type of blogging style is as shown below(sketchlog).
As a conclusion, different types of style defines a blog and this differs from the type of information that is being shown by the blogger. The most universal blogging that can be used for almost any kind blog, whether its informational, personal or anything at all, is the normal blog from a computer. Moblog is not suitable as it limits the posting ability of a blogger. Style of blogging comes down to the genre of the wanted issues being blogged.
The survivability of the blog all comes down to the content of the blog (Liew 2008). Liew (2008) strongly suggests that the style and elaboration of bloggers are the reason readers are prompted to read again, not the style.
Liew, W. (2008), "10 types of blog content elaboration [Part 2]", [Online], 9 April 2008, Available from -, [Accessed on: 2nd October 2010]
Rowse, D. (2005), "20 Types of blog posts - battling bloggers block", [Online], 29 November 2005, Available from -, [Accessed on: 2nd October 2010]
Williams, D. (2007), "Blogging Definitions: Types of Blogs - Part 2", [Online], 23 October 2007, Available from -, [Accessed on: 2nd October 2010]
Benefits of Blogging
[Source -]
The graph above shows that the blogosphere at the moment stands at 133 million blogs being recorded worldwide. It is said that the blogosphere, worldwide, was a shocking growth and it has placed a role in influencing the any subject in the world, from business to politics (McLean 2009).
The trends of blogging as of late, pretty much does not differs in different regions or countries (McLean 2009). Lately, one of the most popular trends that can be found in blog is advertising within the blogs (Sussman 2009). Sussman (2009) further stresses that most bloggers advertise on their blogs to earn money as they have been reported earning from the advertising.
There are many kind of blogs. These blogs are divided into five different types of blogs, which are the collaborative blog, tutorial blog, travel and cultural blog, fashion and lifestyle blog and personal blog (Belardo n.d.)
Among these blogs, some can be used to produce a prevalent blog. An example of a prevalent blog in certain countries is the blog stated above in the picture. This blog is an example of the current issues that are happening in Iran. This blogs states the facts of the Sharia Law in Islamic Rebuplic of Iran and how brutal the punishments in store for the guilty party. Some of the punishments include burying alive, massive hanging to death and stonning.
Friday, October 1, 2010
What is good powerpoint presentation?
Above is an example of a good power point slide. As can be seen from it, the colour scheme of this slide is perfectly suited to enable readers and audience to see the points well. Russel (n.d.) stresses that it is not proper to use caps when making a statement as it gives the implication that the presenter is shouting at the audience. From this slide above, it is obvious that the word "two" is underlined instead of capitalised.
From the slide above, it can be seen that the background of the slide is very simple and this makes it easier for the audience to read them (Marquez n.d.) Aside from just the background and layout of this slide, the font chosen is suitable as it is simple and easy to read as well (Marquez n.d.)
Bear (n.d.) suggest that slides within a PowerPoint should be consistent and changes should not be applied to the font and background. From the 2 slides above, it is clear that this slide is a very consistent one indeed.
There is a single flaw in this PowerPoint presentation and that is referring to the way the content is being laid out. A perfect example of this is slide 2 where the content of that slide is too wordy. Most audience cannot read as fast as the presenter presents (Orzel 2006). Orzel (2006) strongly suggests that keeping the text to a minimum is more proper for a presentation as audience will be tempted to read the slides instead of listening to the presenter.
Marquez, Z.L. (n.d.), "How to make a good powerpoint presentation", [Online], Available from -, [Accessed on: 1st October2010]